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How many hours of sleep do we ACTUALLY need ?

Taken from my interview in the "Empowered Women Lead" webinar series

July 4, 2023

By signing up you will receive my free 20-minute talk about sleep in its entirety along with a free beginner's sleep tool kit :-) You will also receive 2 free speaker sessions each day, between July 4th to July 8th, on such topics as sleep of course 😴(!) but also confidence building 💪🏽, healing grief and trauma😭, conscious relationship building👥 , brain coaching 🧠, the power of journaling ✍🏽, boundaries 🛑, communication🗣 , belief system 💭. My own interview, about sleep and how to get more of it, will be sent on July 6. Here are the topics I talk about:
✨ how many hours of sleep do we need,
✨ why we are sometimes awake at night unable to fall or stay asleep,
✨ sleep tips and strategies
✨ my 4 principles for a good night's sleep
✨ and why I help my clients build a personalsed a tool kit


Get your COMPLIMENTARY PASS to watch the entire "Empowered Women Lead" webinar series by CLICKING here
🎁 And by signing up you will also receive 3 free sleep tools such as:

1) a sleep diary form 2) a sleep tips sheet and 3) a better sleep checklist gift



Looking for more sleep tips? Find out more about my book the Natural Sleeper at 

- Julie Wright and The WeSleep Team -