About our Founder
I will help you experiment and find out what could improve your sleep
Julie Wright
Chief Sleep Orchestrator
Julie is the founder of WeSleep, an entrepreneur, sleep ambassador, speaker, and author of The Natural Sleeper [Tiller Press / Simon & Schuster] - an introduction to an extensive range of natural, complementary, and alternative solutions, therapies, techniques, practices, habits, and tips to help improve our sleep.
"I count my blessings for each and every good night's sleep. I mean that. Years ago I embarked on a journey full of discoveries and experiments to understand how to improve my sleep. It gave me the idea to support others with the issue of insomnia and poor sleep quality, as a powerful and meaningful business ambition. Poor habits, big life changes and events in all aspects of life can impact sleep. Corporate and political pressures at work, family and fertility issues, relationships gone wrong, losing a job, losing people we care about. Or it could be the feeling the excitement for every positive step in life, towards a better future full of possibilities and opportunities, yet feeling that we never have enough time to do fulfill all of our ambitions or do things well enough".
Photo by Mitchell Wright
Julie Wright is the Chief Sleep Orchestrator and founder of WeSleep. As a sleep educator and ambassador, her mission is to help people live better lives by improving their sleep. Her motto is: “Sleep, and your life’s dreams will come true”
She runs and facilitates webinars, workshops, lectures, discussion panels, 1-to-1 consultations, and therapeutic sessions on the topic of sleep deprivation and insomnia. Her corporate clients cover a wide range of sectors and sizes such as tech start-ups, agencies, media and entertainment companies, banks, festivals, conferences, non-profit, education and government organisations.
Author, speaker & sleep ambassador
In the past, I have been contributing to people’s happiness by bringing entertainment to their lives. But now, as the founder of WeSleep, my aim is now to help people live better lives by improving their sleep. My motto is: "Sleep, and your life's dreams will come true".
I've been lucky enough to learn collaborate with and learn from the following very talented past and present speakers : Dr Neil Stanley (PhD), Dr Katharina Lederle (PhD), Dr Kat, Professor Graham Law, Kata Armitage, Helen Johnson (PhD), Risa Gabrielle, Chris Pinner, Victoria Smith-Murphy, Venetia Armitage, Dr Baoxia Li
As a media and entertainment consultant under Libra Rising Limited, I support innovative businesses and start ups bringing new concepts to the well-being, entertainment and travel industries. Previously, I have gathered my most significant professional experience as a business executive at Paramount Pictures, Disney ABC Television, Warner Music Group, RealNetworks and more recently at BBC's UKTV and The Box Plus Network (Channel 4).
Whether in my earlier career or throughout all of my roles, I have also worked in event organisation and content distribution in the UK, US and France for a range of private, corporate and media clients.
The Philosophy
learn. discover. sleep more. live more.
A journey of curiosity
It is time to take charge of your sleep and not let it be in charge of you. Time to listen to your body, develop awareness, take time to learn what your body wants more of and perhaps less of. A time for new beginnings and learnings. To embed new habits with benefits which can last a lifetime. A shift in perspective. Re-awakening of all the senses. A time to breathe. A time to reconnect with what matters. How to re-pattern our thoughts and feelings. How to accept the past and be ready to make changes for the future. To have old routines beautifully broken.
We sleep. We dream. And we then feel...
... calm. safe. rested. energized. ready. curious. hopeful. invigorated. productive.
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Specialists and therapists help you explore natural and healthy ways of achieving good sleep.
This is a chance to meet wellbeing and sleep experts who will explain
how to make the most out of your sleep.
© Libra Rising Limited (2024)